12 December 2007

Who would like to have one of these at WORK?

The things I find on the Internet during the day,
while I am doing "research".
{"research", as Diane likes to call it. Thank you Diane}
Boss Man has been in "one of those moods" for about 5 weeks. Don't get me wrong, he is a great boss, is very understanding, we work well together and we get along. There are still a few occasions that I needed the CATAPULT and more so in the last few weeks then in the last three years.
Do you think he would get the hint every time I got this catapult out?
No, not with my luck.
Fred Flare...gotta love him.

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{ME} FeeLiINg:

My Unkymood Punkymood (Unkymoods)


{ME} EntRiEs:

SoMEoNe LiKeS {ME}: