26 December 2007

They Call This {LOVE}

Peter and I sitting at the fire place
Peter and I at dinner Sunday night.
Sidney & I on the sleigh ride. Look how happy Sidney looks.
Peter and Porter at the Ice Staking Rink.
Porter didn't want any of my business--No, more picture mom.

{Thanks Brittany} for taking photos of us. It's nice to get photos of myself. I feel like I am always behind the camera taking picture!


Kari said...

Aren't you guys the cute family! I hope you had fun and can't wait to hear about your trip to SV!

I miss you!

Nancy said...

What a precious family... I hope you all have the best New Year ever!

Kimberly Scott said...

love the photos. love the blog! how do you like salt lake. we just moved from there last year...

{ME} FeeLiINg:

My Unkymood Punkymood (Unkymoods)


{ME} EntRiEs:

SoMEoNe LiKeS {ME}: